Healthy Gums and Teeth for Your Cat

1 898 Reviews
Dental Care for Cats™ (50% OFF)

Healthy Gums and Teeth for Your Cat

1 898 Reviews
Dental Care for Cats™ (50% OFF)
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Færre end 10 styks tilbage

Objednávky jsou doručovány bez omezení. Pobočky České pošty jsou stále v provozu.


Indeholder antimikrobielle og antibakterielle ingredienser, der hjælper til at mindste risikoen for at udvikle periodontitis.


Maintain healthy gums and overall oral health - a stress-free and time-saving alternative to brushing your cat's teeth


Contains no sugar, alcohol, detergents or additives, and leaves your cat’s breath smelling clean and fresh


Press the nozzle of the bottle 2-4 times to your pet’s drinking water, Love2Dogs has a very mild taste so that cats don’t refuse to drink it



Indeholder antimikrobielle og antibakterielle ingredienser, der hjælper til at mindste risikoen for at udvikle periodontitis.


Maintain healthy gums and overall oral health - a stress-free and time-saving alternative to brushing your cat's teeth


Press the nozzle of the bottle 2-4 times to your pet’s drinking water, Love2Dogs has a very mild taste so that cats don’t refuse to drink it


Contains no sugar, alcohol, detergents or additives, and leaves your cat’s breath smelling clean and fresh



We donate part of our profit from each purchase to shelters so they can provide better living conditions for shelters animals. By purchasing our products, you help these animals live a better life.

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4.7 / 5


1 898+ Verified Reviews

Carla Houston
Carla Henriksen
Verificeret køber
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This product has reduced my 11 year old cat's plaque buildup tremendously only after a couple months. Both my babies bad breath is gone and their teeth are whiter. I love this stuff!!

Indsendt: 1 dag siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (1x)

Raymond Bialye
Rasmus Bekke
Verificeret køber
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Jeg må indrømme, at jeg blev meget overrasket. Vi har allerede set en stor forbedring, og derfor køber vi flere. Virkelig godt produkt, og meget anbefalelsesværdigt!

Indsendt: 1 dag siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (2x)

Kaitlyn Kristy
Katrine Kristiansen
Verificeret køber
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This stuff is absolutely wonderful and works immediately. I also asked my vet and he said it is safe. No more stinky cat breath, what a pleasure! I recommended this to all my friends and family.

Indsendt: 3 dage siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (1x)

Brittany Jones
Bettina Jensen
Verificeret køber
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We’ve used one bottle and started a second one because it really works. My cat had a lot of plaque on the inside of her bottom front teeth, but it’s gone now! Her breath is fresher too.

Indsendt: 5 dage siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (3x)

Fermin Armstrong
Frederik Armstrong
Verificeret køber
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It works!!!!! I have 3 cats and their teeth are hard to get in and brush. I turned to this product and hoped for some help. MORE than just a little help...their teeth are beautiful white and clean.

Indsendt: 6 dage siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (1x)

Claire Divas
Carina Didriksen
Verificeret køber
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Min Bubbles er 12 år og har en ånde, der kan slå dig omkuld! Jeg kan næsten ikke tro, at dette produkt har virket så godt. Den slemme ånde er endelig væk, og jeg kan se hendes tænder ændre sig fra gule til hvide.

Indsendt: 6 dage siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (3x)

Libby Kathi
Linda Kjær
Verificeret køber
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I am very satisfied with this product!!! I didn’t think it would actually do what they said it would, but it does. I will continue to use as long as my cat is alive. I really recommend it.

Indsendt: 9 dage siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (3x)

Bria Hartley
Britta Hansen
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HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! My 8-year-old cat HAD bad breath and yellow teeth, until I started using this product. Her teeth are whiter and her breath is less stinky.

Submitted: 10 days ago

Købt hos: Dental Care (1x)

Ana Angulo
Anna Abildtoft
Verificeret køber
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I have never been able to keep my cat’s teeth clean... I can hardly believe how clean her teeth are now and how much better her breath is. This stuff really works!

Indsendt: 13 dage siden

Købt hos: Love2Dogs (2x)

Lena Charles
Lena Cederfeld
Verificeret køber
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My vet recommended the dental cleaning for our cat. But I don't want to put her under anesthesia. Already several of her teeth are whiter and the ones with the most plaque buildup are improving.

Indsendt: 14 dage siden

Købt hos: Love2Dogs (2x)

Leeann Elisha
Lisette Eriksen
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I bought a bottle to help my 3 year old cat and it has made a tremendous difference with one bottle. Her breath doesn't smell and I can see the difference since before we started.

Indsendt: 16 dage siden

Købt hos: Love2Dogs (1x)

Cara Lee
Clara Laasby
Verificeret køber
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Boy am I glad I opted to do my own independent research because I found this and ordered it. Folks, do yourself a favor—GET THIS IF YOU HAVE A CAT! IT TRULY IS AMAZING!!!!!

Indsendt: 19 dage siden

Købt hos: Love2Dogs (1x)

Carla Houston
Carla Henriksen
Verificeret køber
Læs mere
This product has reduced my 11 year old cat's plaque buildup tremendously only after a couple months. Both my babies bad breath is gone and their teeth are whiter. I love this stuff!!

Indsendt: 1 dag siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (1x)

Kaitlyn Kristy
Katrine Kristiansen
Verificeret køber
Læs mere
This stuff is absolutely wonderful and works immediately. I also asked my vet and he said it is safe. No more stinky cat breath, what a pleasure! I recommended this to all my friends and family.

Indsendt: 3 dage siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (1x)

Fermin Armstrong
Frederik Armstrong
Verificeret køber
Læs mere
It works!!!!! I have 3 cats and their teeth are hard to get in and brush. I turned to this product and hoped for some help. MORE than just a little help...their teeth are beautiful white and clean.

Indsendt: 6 dage siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (1x)

Raymond Bialye
Rasmus Bekke
Verificeret køber
Læs mere
Jeg må indrømme, at jeg blev meget overrasket. Vi har allerede set en stor forbedring, og derfor køber vi flere. Virkelig godt produkt, og meget anbefalelsesværdigt!

Indsendt: 1 dag siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (2x)

Brittany Jones
Bettina Jensen
Verificeret køber
Læs mere
We’ve used one bottle and started a second one because it really works. My cat had a lot of plaque on the inside of her bottom front teeth, but it’s gone now! Her breath is fresher too.

Indsendt: 5 dage siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (3x)

Claire Divas
Carina Didriksen
Verificeret køber
Læs mere
Min Bubbles er 12 år og har en ånde, der kan slå dig omkuld! Jeg kan næsten ikke tro, at dette produkt har virket så godt. Den slemme ånde er endelig væk, og jeg kan se hendes tænder ændre sig fra gule til hvide.

Indsendt: 6 dage siden

Købt hos: Dental Care (3x)

Enkelt pakke

439 kn

219 kn

Tredobbelt pakke


1 319 kn

499 kn


Dobbelt pakke

879 kn

439 kn

Objednávky jsou doručovány bez omezení. Pobočky České pošty jsou stále v provozu.



259 zł

89 zł



Dental Care for Dogs

Get also Dental water for your dog in special discount just for you. Get the best results for your cat and for your dog.

Du får det bedste resultat, hvis du kombinerer med vores Dental Care tyggetabletter

439 kn

139 kn


Oftest stillede spørgsmål og svar

Ja, det er helt sikkert at give til din hund. Du skal bruge det en gang om dagen og ikke mere end 4 spray dagligt.

We have formulated the Dental Formula so that it is a very mild taste so that cats don’t refuse to drink it.

Purified water 90%, Lysozyme 5,0%, Menthol 3,0% , Solubilizer 1,0%, Boric acid 1,0%

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About US

US Company

Every idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple and we wanted to find the solution for it for us and everyone else. That is how Love2Dogs™was born.

Our products not only make your life easier. They also bring joy to every moment of your day because we know that you are special.

By bypassing traditional channels, building direct relationships with the best manufacturers and designing our products in-house, we’re able to provide high-quality, beautiful goods at a fraction of the going price.

Since day one we foster a two-way communication with our community of awesome customers and don’t just welcome their feedback, we actively seek their collaboration in improving our products and company.

There’s nothing complicated about it. Good products, good outcome.

Meet Our Team

Co-founder & ceo

Amanda Dee

Amanda is passionate about finding a new perfect solution to problems.

Co-founder & ceo

Adam Cheise

Adam is a leader from a very young age. He is constantly working on new projects.


Mike Stuart

Mike loves engineering. He likes building new things and helping others.

marketing specialist

Dan Staller

Dan’s responsible for getting the story about our company around the world.


John Milso

John designs and builds the frontend architecture, and infrastructure.


Kate Lynch

Kate will find a solution to every problem you will encounter.

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