Healthy Joints and Bones for Your Dog

1 953 Recenzija
SuperChews™ (50% POPUSTA)

Healthy Joints and Bones for Your Dog

1 953 Recenzija
SuperChews™ (50% POPUSTA)
Dostupno manje od 10 komada
Dostupno manje od 10 komada

Objednávky jsou doručovány bez omezení. Pobočky České pošty jsou stále v provozu.

Joint Stiffness

Designed to support the long-term health of connective tissues, especially pertinent for aging dogs, dogs with arthritis, or dogs with joint stiffness

Bone Health

Provides vital nutrients for everyday health, strong muscles, and healthy hips and joints; vital for supporting your dog during exercise and daily activities

Tasty Treat

Feed our tasty joint chews to your dog every day to support optimum joint and bone health. Chews themselves can be given as a tasty treat, or crumbled onto their food

Flexibility & Strength

Contains multiple ingredients that maintain tissue pliability and joint fluid viscosity, ensuring that your dog’s joints stay flexible and lubricated


Joint Stiffness

Designed to support the long-term health of connective tissues, especially pertinent for aging dogs, dogs with arthritis, or dogs with joint stiffness

Bone Health

Provides vital nutrients for everyday health, strong muscles, and healthy hips and joints, vital for supporting your dog during exercise and daily activities

Tasty Treat

Feed our tasty joint chews to your dog every day to support optimum joint and bone health. Chews themselves can be given as a tasty treat, or crumbled onto their food

Flexibility & Strength

Contains multiple ingredients that maintain tissue pliability and joint fluid viscosity, ensuring that your dog’s joints stay flexible and lubricated



We donate part of our profit from each purchase to shelters so they can provide better living conditions for shelters dogs. By purchasing our products, you help these dogs live a better life.

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4.8 / 5


1 953+ Potvrđenih Recenzija

Esme Anderson
Ena Andrić
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Nedavno je moj pas počeo pažljivije koristiti jednu od prednjih šapa. Shvatila sam da je to zasigurno zbog njenih godina i da možda ima artritis. Nakon mjesec dana je postala bolja i ponovno skače okolo kada se vratim kući.

Poslano: prije 1 dan

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (1x)

Morgan Cooper
Marinko Kralj
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Let me tell you, THIS chew has changed "Einstein's" life dramatically! I swear he is now doing 100% better with his joints. The best part? He LOVES them! Totally recommended.

Poslano: prije 1 dan

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (2x)

Ella Roberts
Ela Randić
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
After the vet recommended surgery for my 9 year old dog, I started researching alternatives. He has been taking this supplement for over a year now and he has not been in any pain.

Poslano: prije 3 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (1x)

Libby Williams
Lucija Volarić
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
One u potpunosti mijenjaju stvari. Daleko su nadmašile moja očekivanja i sad ne mogu zamisliti život bez njih. Naš Max se može bolje kretati, manje šepa i sve u svemu izgleda sretnije.

Poslano: prije 5 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (3x)

Tom Parry
Tomislav Perić
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
I just received my second order, I was so pleased with the results of these chews. I would recommend to anyone who has had to watch their pup in pain. And, she LOVES the taste!!

Poslano: prije 6 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (1x)

Eva Khan
Eva Kazimir
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
These chews have been life altering for our dogs. Our greyhound no longer sits and pants all day. She looked so stressed and was starting to drag one of her feet. She is now happy and full of energy again.

Poslano: prije 6 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (3x)

Leah Gray
Lea Gregorić
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Prošlo je sad već tri mjeseca i nisam niti jednom vidjela našu Maru da šepa. Ne mogu vjerovati kako je ovo čarobno. Tako sam zahvalna što sam ovo pronašla i što vidim mog štenca koji je ponovno odličnog duha.

Poslano: prije 9 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (3x)

Demi Barnes
Danijela Butorac
Potvrđeni Kupac
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Ovo stvarno dobro djeluje na mog psa. Ovo mi je druga narudžba i naručivat ću ih i dalje. Pomogle su mom psu da izdrži i više se ne čuje puckanje u zglobovima

Poslano: prije 6 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (1x)

Camille Bender
Camille Bender
Potvrđeni Kupac
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After 2 months of taking these our 9-year-old dog is a completely different dog. The limp is gone and she is playful - more so even then when she was little puppy. Great product.

Poslano: prije 12 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (2x)

Lorelai Calderon
Lorelai Calderon
Potvrđeni Kupac
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My 11-year-old pound puppy was slowing down & starting to limp. She is now running & jumping again. It makes my heart happy. People can’t believe she is 11 years old! I totally recommend this.

Poslano: prije 14 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (2x)

Aryana Benson
Aryana Benson
Potvrđeni Kupac
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My dog loves these & I do feel they are helping with his joints. He is 15 and runs whenever he can. He had issues with stairs, but that is not a problem for him anymore.

Poslano: prije 16 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (1x)

Natasha Rivera
Natasha Rivera
Potvrđeni Kupac
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First off, the dogs LOVE it! My dog started having pain in his left knee, vet diagnosed it as a loose knee joint. Now he can leap and bound up the stairs and spin around in circles in excitement.

Poslano: prije 19 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (1x)

Esme Anderson
Ena Andrić
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
Nedavno je moj pas počeo pažljivije koristiti jednu od prednjih šapa. Shvatila sam da je to zasigurno zbog njenih godina i da možda ima artritis. Nakon mjesec dana je postala bolja i ponovno skače okolo kada se vratim kući.

Poslano: prije 1 dan

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (1x)

Ella Roberts
Ela Randić
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
After the vet recommended surgery for my 9 year old dog, I started researching alternatives. He has been taking this supplement for over a year now and he has not been in any pain.

Poslano: prije 3 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (1x)

Tom Parry
Tomislav Perić
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
I just received my second order, I was so pleased with the results of these chews. I would recommend to anyone who has had to watch their pup in pain. And, she LOVES the taste!!

Poslano: prije 6 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (1x)

Morgan Cooper
Marinko Kralj
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
Let me tell you, THIS chew has changed "Einstein's" life dramatically! I swear he is now doing 100% better with his joints. The best part? He LOVES them! Totally recommended.

Poslano: prije 1 dan

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (2x)

Libby Williams
Lucija Volarić
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
One u potpunosti mijenjaju stvari. Daleko su nadmašile moja očekivanja i sad ne mogu zamisliti život bez njih. Naš Max se može bolje kretati, manje šepa i sve u svemu izgleda sretnije.

Poslano: prije 5 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (3x)

Eva Khan
Eva Kazimir
Potvrđeni Kupac
Read More
These chews have been life altering for our dogs. Our greyhound no longer sits and pants all day. She looked so stressed and was starting to drag one of her feet. She is now happy and full of energy again.

Poslano: prije 6 dana

Kupljeno: Love2Dogs (3x)

Jedno Pakiranje

439 kn

219 kn

Trostruko Pakiranje


1 319 kn

499 kn


Duplo Pakiranje

879 kn

439 kn

Odaberite Vaše Pakiranje

Objednávky jsou doručovány bez omezení. Pobočky České pošty jsou stále v provozu.


Do not forget to add this product to your order

1 399 Kč

499 Kč



Dental Care

Maintain healthy gums and overall oral health - a stress-free and time-saving alternative to brushing your dog's teeth. Contains antimicrobial and antibacterial ingredients that help lower the risk of developing periodontal disease

You will get best results if you combine them with our Dog Joints chews.

1 399 Kč

499 Kč


Najčešće postavljena pitanja i odgovori

Da. Potpuno je sigurno, koristite ga samo jednom dnevno i ne koristite više od dnevno preporučene doze na osnovu težine vašeg psa.

Za pse ispod 10 kg, dajte 1 probiotičku žvakaću dnevno kao slasnu nagradu ili užinu ili je jednostavno izmrvite u njegovu hranu.

Za pse između 10 kg i 20 kg, dajte 2 probiotičke žvakaće dnevno kao slasnu nagradu ili užinu ili ih jednostavno izmrvite u njegovu hranu.

Za pse preko 20 kg, dajte 3 probiotičke žvakaće dnevno kao slasnu nagradu ili užinu ili ih jednostavno izmrvite u njegovu hranu.

Glukozamin 200 mg, Kondroitin sulfat 160 mg, MSM 150 mg, Prah organske kamilice 150 mg, Vitamin C 10 mg, Ekstrakt Yucca Schidigera 55 mg, Organska Pasiflora 100 mg, Korijen odoljena 22 mg, Blend enzima (Amilaza, Proteaza, Lipaza, Celulaza, Laktaza, Bromelain) 200 mg, Grčki jogurt (bezmasno mlijeko u prahu, mliječna kiselina, Bacillus coagulans, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus) 90 mg, Tiamin (Vitamin B1) 2 mg, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 1.25 mg, Vitamin B12 5 mg, Biotin 5 mg, Vitamin B6 Piridoxin (Vitamin B6) 1.25 mg, ekstrakt konoplje 5 mg, Prah sjemena organske konoplje 200 mg, Organska kurkuma 200 mg, Palmino ulje, Zob, Prirodni okus piletine, Sirup organske smeđe riže, Slatki krumpir, Lecitin iz suncokreta, Celulozni prah, Mrkva, Rajčica, Rižine mekinje, Glicerin iz kokosa, Sorbinska kiselina, Ekstrakt ružmarina, Miješani tokoferoli

SuperChews su prikladne za pse bilo kojeg uzrasta ili pasmine, ipak preporučujemo postepeno uvođenje žvakaćih kod vaših štenaca starih između 8-12 tjedana. Ako imate bilo kakvih nedoumica molimo savjetujte se s veterinarom.

Naše žvakaće su okusa piletine.

Naše proizvode nastojimo održati što je više moguće prirodnima, uporabom sastojaka najviše kvalitete kako bi osigurali uspješnu i sigurnu reakciju kod vašeg štenca. Molimo vas da se prvo savjetujete s veterinarom u slučaju da imate bilo kakve nedoumice.

Narudžbu možete platiti pouzećem ili plaćanje možete obaviti karticom online.

Vašu narudžbu dostavit ćemo unutar 2 radna dana od dana narudžbe izravno na vašu adresu

Dostavljač tvrtke za dostavu kontaktirat će vas telefonom prije same dostave

Moguće je također odrediti neki drugi datum ili mjesto za dostavu vaših proizvoda u dogovoru s dostavljačem, ako vam prvotno dani podaci za dostavu ne odgovaraju

Ako želite napisati pritužbu ili vratiti kupljene proizvode, molimo ispunite naš kontakt obrazac.

Računi za naručene proizvode šalju se elektroničkim putem na vašu email adresu nakon što vašu uplatu primimo na naš bankovni račun (u slučaju plaćanja gotovinom prilikom dostave, to je otprilike 14 dana).

About US

US Company

Every idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple and we wanted to find the solution for it for us and everyone else. That is how Love2Dogs™was born.

Our products not only make your life easier. They also bring joy to every moment of your day because we know that you are special.

By bypassing traditional channels, building direct relationships with the best manufacturers and designing our products in-house, we’re able to provide high-quality, beautiful goods at a fraction of the going price.

Since day one we foster a two-way communication with our community of awesome customers and don’t just welcome their feedback, we actively seek their collaboration in improving our products and company.

There’s nothing complicated about it. Good products, good outcome.

Meet Our Team

Co-founder & ceo

Amanda Dee

Amanda is passionate about finding a new perfect solution to problems.

Co-founder & ceo

Adam Cheise

Adam is a leader from a very young age. He is constantly working on new projects.


Mike Stuart

Mike loves engineering. He likes building new things and helping others.

marketing specialist

Dan Staller

Dan’s responsible for getting the story about our company around the world.


John Milso

John designs and builds the frontend architecture, and infrastructure.


Kate Lynch

Kate will find a solution to every problem you will encounter.

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